- Found a park that takes less than 10 minutes to run to so I can run somewhere, ran there the last 2 days. It seems to be an unofficial dog park, which means it is small, smelly and full of a loud chorus of very excited dogs. Also, small ones without leashes tend to follow me.
- Found a better park that does not smell, slightly farther away but worth it, I'll try it out this weekend
- Discovered there is a bread store right on my block- the bread is delicious, in case you were wondering
- Successfully dropped off and picked up laundry- this auto service laundry thing is weird
- Mastered the subway and train transfers
- Got a certficado de domicilio- which is the first step in getting a residency permit, which would save me from having to visit Uruguay every 3 months- which is the weird loophole everyone uses to avoid having an expired visa
- Bought turkey- this sounds odd but finding any lunch meat other than ham or salami is ridiculously hard here. I discovered that if I go to the deli and ask them specifically for it they will slice it for me.
- Bought tape that actually works so all my photos stay on the wall
- Finally bought some of the delicious candied nuts they make on the streets. Sounds dirty- in a couple of ways- but they are really good and cheap
- Cooked a meal with 4 different foods involved in my tiny, ill-equipped kitchen
- Walked all over the city and found all kinds of stuff I want to visit like the zoo, the Japanese garden, little benches perfect for reading and several ice cream places
News on my Au Pair work- I'm still waiting. I met the dad of the potential family today. I went to his office which is is downtown, but I was almost late because of course downtown is huge and I underestimated the walk from the closest subway station. I still avoid buses because they seem unreliable and confusing. Anyway, I wasn't late and he was much more relaxed than his wife. He liked me, he was especially excited when I mentioned I had an Audio Engineering degree and could download free programs to teach his oldest son. That audio degree comes in useful in the oddest situations. He told Juli (the family coordinator) and I that they would make a decision tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest. Juli is pretty sure they love me, the only issue was that I won't live with them but she thinks the dad will convince his wife I'm worth it. I really hope so! If they say yes then I think I'd start early next week. Yay for working and yay for earning money!
I'm also in a selection process for an online writing tutor thing. Hopefully I'll get that too. I'm signed up on a couple article writing places too, like odesk.com. Oh money, how I miss you. Soon, we shall have a steady relationship again.
My mom sent me 2 big packages and I am impatiently awaiting them. I really hope they arrive okay. One of my old coworkers, Melanie, made these awesome address stickers for me to give to her so she would be able to send me stuff. Hopefully, that saved her some trouble and will enhance my chances of actually receiving them. There will be peanut butter! Yes!
Keep me updated on your lives too, guys, because I miss your faces, Skype me so I can see them again! Also, I am a big fan of long emails- keep them coming.
I can't believe you found turkey! And this time there will be no communal fridge where someone can easily take it. I hope you try all the different kinds of nuts they have like we did in Mendoza. I don't remember which one we liked the best, so I'm going to need you to report that back to me. It's important!