Thursday, October 14, 2010

Quick Re-cap

I apologize for not updating this recently. I have been incredibly busy and at this point a detailed update just seems exhausting. Instead I will give you a quick re-cap and give you some photos and if you want details, you can just ask for them.
  • Travelated launch went well and we are still working hard. This is part of why I have been so incredibly busy. Keep spreading the word. This project makes me very happy.
  • Spent a weekened in Colonia, Uruguay. Details to come in the form of an article for Travelated.
  • Created a scavenger hunt and painted nails at a 11 year old's sleepover birthday party
  • Saw a local indie rock band called Adicta and really enjoyed it
  • Enjoying weekly outdoor Boot Camp exercise classes
  • Came closer to beating Jenny at Squash than ever before (15-13!)
  • Recorded a video to be played at an assembly at St. Cecilia School to say hello to all my old students.
  • Discovered a coffee shop nearby that gives free coffee refills during certain hours. Refills are unheard of here, so this is more exciting than it sounds.
Wow, I really wish I could think of more highlights but that's really all that is coming to mind right now. Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure:

Colonia, Uruguay

Splitting a bottle of wine at lunch? Don't mind if I do.

The girls with whom I spent my last Friday night.

Ana got an ice cream maker for her birthday and we made mint chocolate chip. She and I were destined to get along.

Juan and Jose went to the US for 12 days. Jose literally threw these at my face when he came back. I savored the first one by making it last for 4 bites. Oh Reese's, why haven't you made it to Argentina? It would make explaining my name easier and also make life tastier.

1 comment:

  1. Colonia looks beautiful!

    P.S.I'm very happy you got some Reese's :)
