Saturday, January 15, 2011

Casa Rosada Adventures

A couple days ago I went to the Casa Rosada (Pink House-- the government house here. The presidents don't live there anymore but they used to). My friend Magu's mom, Mirta, works there and let us check out some non-tour sights, mainy related to the Perons. These photos are from her blackberry but I thought you guys would want to see them anyway.

In Evita's private elevator
Sitting at Evita's desk with her photo.
Full view of the fancy desk. Note the barrier I was allowed to duck under.
Hanging out on Peron's balcony. No big deal.


  1. I want to be on that balcony!!! Now I understand the line about Casa Rosada from "Evita"... didn't know what that was before :)

  2. Being on the balcony was fun, we ran out, took a photo and then ducked back inside before anyone saw us. Presidenta Kirchner was in the building while we did all these things, making it that much more fun.
